Atom Markdown

If you are interested, please also try out our new prototype web app: 0xGG/crossnote

Supporting this project

Markdown Preview package. Show the rendered HTML markdown to the right of the current editor using ctrl-shift-m. It is currently enabled for.markdown,.md,.mdown,.mkd,.mkdown,.ron, and.txt files. By default Markdown Preview uses the colors of the active syntax theme. Macros belong in /.atom/markdown-preview-plus.yaml and are defined as follows. Macro Definition Syntax Zero argument macros. To define a macro that takes no arguments (like sin) just wrap it in quotes like so #. Integrate Markdown Preview Enhanced (MPE) to Atom. Markdown Preview Enhanced is an extension that provides you with many useful functionalities such as automatic scroll sync, math typesetting.

Markdown Preview Enhanced is an open source project released under the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License. Its ongoing development is made possible thanks to the support by these awesome backers. You can help make this project better by supporting us on GitHub Sponsors, PayPal, or 微信支付 Wechat Pay. Thank you!

Atom Markdown Cheat Sheet


These GitHub Sponsors and Backers help push this project forward 🎉.



Markdown Preview Enhanced is an extension that provides you with many useful functionalities such as automatic scroll sync, math typesetting, mermaid, PlantUML, pandoc, PDF export, code chunk, presentation writer, etc. A lot of its ideas are inspired by Markdown Preview Plus and RStudio Markdown.

Markup Viewer

Feel free to ask questions, post issues, submit pull request, and request new features.

For more information about this project and how to use this extension, please check out our documentation ⬇︎


To check out the documentation, visit

Contact me if you are willing to help translate the documentation :)


The cmd key for Windows is ctrl.

ctrl-shift-mToggle preview
ctrl-shift-sSync preview / Sync source
shift-enterRun Code Chunk
ctrl-shift-enterRun all Code Chunks
cmd-= or cmd-shift-=Preview zoom in
cmd-- or cmd-shift-_Preview zoom out
cmd-0Preview reset zoom
escToggle sidebar TOC


Atom markdown to pdf

Newest updates for the current minor version can be found at the newest notes.Detailed changes for each old release can be found at history notes.

Markdown-pdf - Atom
