Affinity Photo Photo Stacking

  1. Affinity Photo Sale
  2. Serif Affinity Photo Focus Stacking
  3. Affinity Photo Review

In today's video, we see how Affinity Photo allows you to stack and align images automatically, then use varying blend modes to remove people from a scene, make a waterfall photo look like a very long exposure, create star trails where there were none, and so much more! Watch Affinity Photo “Stacking” now. Affinity Photo provides several tools for image stacking. Some are dedicated to specific types of photography such as Astrophotography Stack and HDR Merge. But the editor also has a general image stacking tool and a tool dedicated to focus stacking.

Affinity Photo Sale


A new astrophotography processing contender Affinity Photo has entered the Mac…and PC race. Affinity introduced it’s suite of applications to compete against Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator a few years ago. They are extremely capable applications and in their effort to remain competitive come at a very nice discount in pricing compared to Adobe’s applications. Currently Affinity Photo is for sale at a 50% discount.

They’ve recently upped their game to add features beyond Photoshop’s set of tools by getting into the Astrophotography realm with the following new features in their 1.9 update:

  • Dedicated Persona for stacking

  • RAW and FITS image support

  • Stack light and calibration frames (dark/dark flat/flat/bias)

  • Stack, tone stretch and retouch entirely in 32-bit

  • Stack files from different sessions using file groups

  • Create full color, composite (HaRGB, SHO), grayscale or false color images

Serif Affinity Photo Focus Stacking


One advantage to Affinity Photo compared to existing astrophotography stacking and calibration applications is that it takes advantage of the GPU in your Mac for very fast processing and stacking. I calibrated and stacked a set of 12 images in about 1-2 minutes on my iMac Pro. This compares to about 10 minutes in APP and PixInsight.

Not only does this program calibrate and stack your images, but it’s a full fledged photo editing program, so you have all the tools at your disposal for stretching, sharpening, color enhancement, mask manipulation, and more with a vastly superior interface for ease of use.

Here’s a set of tutorials to get you up and running with Affinity Photo’s new features.

Affinity Photo Review

  • Astrophotography stacking: LRGB composition (mono cameras)